Warranties and war risk insurance for investing in Ukraine now
The Government of Ukraine is cooperating with key international institutions to create favorable conditions for investing in Ukraine right now.
The UkrStrahuvannya internet resource learned about this from the speech of the Prime Minister of Ukraine at the Government meeting on November 14.
“Negotiations with the EBRD regarding the insurance of trade operations are ongoing with the prospect of scaling up cooperation to insurance of investments. In addition, export credit agencies of partner countries are ready to cover investment risks for their business. Such opportunities exist, in particular, in Japan, Germany, France, Denmark, Italy, Sweden, Great Britain and Poland,” he said.
“Ukraine together with a pool of British insurance companies created a special mechanism. It will allow a discount on the cost of war risk insurance for exporters of all products from Ukraine. This will make the Black Sea Corridor more accessible to a wider range of exporters,” said Denys Shmyhal.
We will remind you that the data platform on military risks, developed in partnership with the international insurance broker Marsh McLennan and the Government of Ukraine, has been put into operation.