Fundraising for 6 million hryvnias for 300 FPV drones

Fundraising for 6 million hryvnias for 300 FPV drones

We haven’t had a useful meeting for a long time!
So they launched another important gathering for the Third Assault Brigade.
All details are below. Please support, friends!

“Dream of drones” – collection of 6 million hryvnias for 300 Wild Hornets FPV drones for Tretya Sturmova
The “Wild Hornets” project opens the collection for a batch of kamikaze drones for the Third Assault Brigade.
There is no point in emphasizing once again the importance of providing fighters with FPV drones. Now it is the most effective weapon on the front line, which can reach the enemy even in the rear. Therefore, right now from each donation for the effective liquidation of the occupier!
Also, among the donors who made a contribution of UAH 500 or more, unique art posters with a piece of the legendary aircraft AN 225 A dream from the project We will always have a dream from the Vakulenko Art Consulting gallery and their partners SB Malakut will be raffled off.
Five posters have the signatures of famous Ukrainians, including the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhnyi, the combatant of the Third Assault Division Dmytro Kukharchuk, the commander of the “FATUM” air reconnaissance unit, friend “Pastet”, Robert “Magyar” and Svyatoslav Vakarchuk. And there is also a secret poster that we will announce later.
More donations – more chances to win a poster! Join in!

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