There are 107 insurers and 55 insurance brokers working in Ukraine
The National Bank of Ukraine published a new report on the quantitative composition of the market of non-banking financial institutions for November 2023.
The National Bank of Ukraine published a new report on the quantitative composition of the market of non-banking financial institutions for November 2023.
The insurance market of Ukraine for January-September 2023, according to the Insurance TOP magazine, showed a growth of 20.2%. The total amount of gross insurance premiums for 9 months increased from UAH 28.4 billion to UAH 34.14 billion.
The global insurance industry suffered $50 billion in losses from natural catastrophes in its worst start to the year since 2011, underscoring the challenge facing the sector from global warming.
The National Bank of Ukraine announced a public discussion of the draft resolution of the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine "On approval of the Regulation on requirements for the management system of the insurer".
The global average annual loss from natural disasters is $133 billion
The transition period in the non-banking financial market after the transfer of the functions of its regulator from the National Financial Service Commission to the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) is ongoing from July 1, 2020, and it will take about a year to restore order
The number of non-bank financial market participants decreased from 1,234 (as of August 31) to 1,215 (as of September 30) in September, while the number of banks remained unchanged at 64.
Three Black Sea ports are once again receiving ships that will guarantee Ukrainian exports.
Global reinsurance rates will continue to rise in 2024, albeit at a slower pace than in 2023, and prices will begin to decline in 2025
Національний банк пропонує до обговорення з учасниками ринку зміни до Правил складання та подання звітності учасниками ринку небанківських фінансових послуг.
Національний банк України опублікував черговий звіт про кількісний склад ринку небанківських фінансових установ за серпень 2023 року
In the first 6 months of the year, the number of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the insurance sector decreased, which indicates "a decrease in appetite for insurance companies"
Despite the challenges of the war and the difficulties of wartime, SB Malakut decided to hold its traditional event dedicated to the VHI.